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Beautiful Scars

Scars can be synonymous to learned lessons. They come as a result of an encounter and once the healing process has transpired, an imprint is left. An imprint, when viewed, brings back memories to the events that transpired prior to the encounter. It is at that moment; you evaluate decisions made and determine if a different path would or should've been taken.

Many try to distinguish the imprint of the scar using make-up, often feeling ashamed of how others may view them. They cover up until they return to their place of comfort, removing the temporary disguise but yet again triggering a memory of decisions made.

Just like learned lessons, scars remind us of our progress in life and sometimes by covering it up, we forget it's still there and make the same desirable or undesirable decision that led to it.

I ask you to embrace your scars because without them life would be bland. They represent the risks you were willing to take to get you thus far. Someone needs to see that scar so they too can stop hiding theirs. There's beauty behind your scar if you dare face it.

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